Creative Dance Students

Date: Saturday 16th November
Location: St Peters Lutheran College, Indooroopilly - PAC
Duration: 45 minutes - 1.5 hours
Students currently enrolled in Creative Dance are invited to perform in:
Junior Concert 1: Saturday 16th November 9am (performer arrival 8:15am)
There are 3 additional concerts held on this date: 11am, 1:30pm & 3:30pm. At this stage we have not scheduled a Creative Dance item at these times, however we are open to doing so if we receive enough interest. If the 9am show does not suit and you would prefer your child to perform at one of the late times, please email staff@thepremierdance.com.

Junior Concert Information: Creative Dance
We understand at age 2 - 3 many students will not yet be ready to perform but we also know some of you might be keen to give it a go. Creative Dance students can opt to participate and will perform together in one item.
Short Performances:
These are in a short format similar to our 2023 Junior Concerts. Each performance will be 45-60 minutes long and include an entertaining variety of items from classes in our junior school (approx. age 3 – 8) plus some of our advanced performers.
Students are supervised by Premier Dance staff throughout all performances. You will drop off your child with their group at the drop off time (see Concert Schedule) and collect them from the stage after the completion of their concert.
No Rehearsals:
As our little Creative Dancers are not quite at the stage of retaining choreography, they will not be required to remember a dance or attend a rehearsal. All Creative Dance classes will learn a special performance dance in their classes during Term 4 which will be similar to their concert item. They will dance on-stage under the instruction of our Creative Dance teachers, performing steps they are familiar with from their classes this year.
All performers will wear a beautiful costume supplied from the Premier Dance costume wardrobe. Hire is included in the Concert Levy.
Hair & Makeup:
Girls should wear hair up (ponytail or bun, if possible), slicked back with gel/hairspray and boys/girls with short hair should have it styled neatly off the face. As we are performing under theatrical lighting, stage makeup is highly recommended for all performers to ensure their beautiful faces can be seen by the audience and on the video. Of course, makeup is at your discretion for this age group.
Other Requirements:
All Creative Dance performers will require ballet shoes & ballet tights.
Professional Photographs & Video:
Photo Weeks will be held during normal classes in Term 4 with professional photographers. These will be available for ordering via their website after this time. These are an optional extra for those who would like to purchase individual photos of their child in costume. All students will have the experience of professional photo shoot in costume regardless of whether or not they have chosen to perform.
Clayfield Photo Week: TBC
Milton Photo Week: TBC
All Concerts will be recorded by professional dance videographer, Limelight Multimedia. The recording of your child’s Concert will be provided to you via digital download link. This is included in your Concert Levy.

Concert Levy
Creative Dance - Junior Concert Levy: $130
Levy Includes:
Hire of all costumes - supplied by Premier Dance
Coordination and supervision by Premier Dance staff throughout your child’s concert experience
2024 Junior Concert T-Shirt
Professional video recording of your child’s concert (supplied via digital streaming/download link).
Other Costs:
Audience tickets (bookings will open late October - $30 adults/$15 children), shoes/tights/undergarments, hair & makeup supplies, professional photographs (option to purchase after Photo Week)
The Junior Concert Levy is non-refundable
How to Register:
1. Complete the form below.
2. Once we have received your completed form, you will be emailed an invoice for the Costume Levy.
3. When your Costume Levy invoice has been finalised, your child's concert registration will be complete.
Concert Registration Form:
This page will be updated as new information becomes available, and we will email you about any updates. All important concert information will be kept on this page, so please save the link for future reference.
We understand you may have questions about the concerts, especially if this is your first year with us. We try to provide as much information as possible upfront to ensure everything is covered on this page (sorry, we know it's a long one!). However, if you have any questions after reading through this page, please feel free to contact us to discuss:
The Premier Dance Academy
E: staff@thepremierdance.com
P: 3369 1133